Part 3: Pimpin' ain't easy
Pimpin' ain't easyWe are supposed to go meet with the Council to discuss the disaster on Eden Prime. Instead we go screwing around (literally). The Citadel is much like the Hinterlands in DAI - it's a huge starting area full of sidequests where if you try to do all of them right off the bat you'll burn out and get bored. I may do some of these for XP and whatnot but won't show them on camera because the large majority are stupid fetchquests.
We meet some of the other major races in ME, the elcor and volus. Elcor are big

And let's talk about the Asari, shall we? An interesting concept (a monogendered race that doesn't really have sex to reproduce) that gets buried under obvious wank material. All the Asari are attractive (within the graphics limitations

Also we meet two of the best future squadmates.